4 – Misrepresentation of al-Dihlawī’s View


Published by SunniDefense © on June 3rd, 2009

One of the most often discussed topics in Shī`īSunnī polemics is the issue of whether the Ithnā’ `Asharī Shī`īs believe in the distortion of the Holy Qur’ān [taĥrīf al-qur`ān] or not. Evidences from both sides are forwarded concerning this issue and lengthy argumentations take place just on this single, yet major, topic.

The Answering-Ansar team has also discussed this issue in their work ‘The creed of Shia’a; explained.’ Among their evidences to prove that the Ithnā’ `Asharī Shī`īs do not hold this belief, they have quoted Sunnī scholars who have—allegedly—confirmed that the Shī`īs do not believe in the distortion of the Holy Qur’ān.

Quoting Answering-Ansar:
Scholar’s of Ahl’ ul Sunnah that have vouched for the Shi’a viewpoint

Despite the belated efforts of these Nasibis in spreading lies, there are true humble Sunni Ulema that have looked beyond these lies and have confirmed that the Shi’a believe that the Qur’an is the uncorrupted Word of Allah (swt). We cite some of those opinions:

The creed of Shia’a; explained, page 19

Following this, they have quoted around ten Sunnī scholars who have, allegedly, believed that theIthnā’ `Asharī Shī`īs do not believe in the distortion of the Holy Qur’ān.

`Abd al-`Azīz al-Dihlawī and Distortion of his View

One of the Sunnī scholars quoted by Answering-Ansar is `Abd al-`Aziz al-Dihlawī (d. 1239), a scholar known in Sunnī circles for his expertise in both Islamic sciences and Shī`ī theology. The Answering-Ansar team, in order to prove their readers that al-Dihlawī “vouched for the Shi’a viewpoint,” has quoted him in the following manner:

Quoting Answering-Ansar:
Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dehlavi

Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dehlavi, while acknowledging that the Shi’a do not believe that the Qur’an had been altered states:

It is proven from all the traditions of the Imamia that the Ahl’ul bayt used to recite this same Qur’an and based their decisions in accordance with it. The commentary of Qur’an by Imam Hasan Askari is the commentary of this (same) Qur’an. All his children, relatives and servants studied ‘this’ Qur’an, and he used to order them to recite this Qur’an when praying. It is due to this fact that Shaykh Ibn-e-Bawia in his book “Al Aqidath” denied that Qur’an had been altered.

Tuhfa Ithna Asharia, Page 281, Published Istanbul

The creed of Shia’a; explained, page 22

Similarly, they write in the conclusion of their recent article entitled ‘Who believes the Quran has been a victim of Tahreef?’:

Quoting Answering-Ansar:

From our detailed discussion we have proved that the Shia of Ali [as] do not believe in the distortion of the Quran and our belief has been corroborated by the prestigious scholars of Ahle Sunnah. Imam of Ahle Sunnah Muhhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehalwi in his renowned anti-Shia book writes:

“It is proven from all the traditions of the Imamia that the Ahlulbayt used to recite this same Qur’an and based their decisions in accordance with it. The commentary of the Qur’an by Imam Hasan Askari is the commentary of this same Qur’an. All his children, relatives and servants studied ‘this’ Qur’an, and he used to order them to recite this Qur’an when praying. It is due to this fact that Shaykh Ibn Babuya in his book “Al Eitiqad” denied that the Qur’an had been altered.”

 Tauhfa Ithna Ashari (Urdu), Page 281, Published by Noor Muhammad Kutub khana Karachi

Who believes the Quran has been a victim of Tahreef?, page 127

This seems like a decent and significant quote to a reader as it shows how a revered Sunnī scholar held this view. But if one checks the very same page of the work referenced by the Answering-Ansar team, he will clearly see how this is nothing but a barefaced lie.

`Abd al-`Azīz al-Dihlawī explicitly counts the belief in the distortion of the Holy Qur’ān as a condemnable belief of the Shī`a Ithnā’ `Ashariyya in his work Tuĥfa-i Ithnā’ `Ashariyya—A critical and extensive analysis of the Shī`īs. He has, in fact, critically discussed and refuted this doctrine under the tenth unacceptable belief of the Ithnā’ `Asharī Shī`īs in it.

At the very beginning of the discussion, al-Dihlawī states:

عقيده دهم قرآن مجید کلام الله است ودر روی تحریف وزیادة ونقصان راه نیافته ونمی یابد اثنا عشریه از امامیه گویند که آنچه الیوم در دست مسلمین موجود است تمام آن کلام نیست بلکه بعضی الفاظ زاید مردم داخل کرده اند ونه تمام قرآن است که بر پیغمبر نازل شده بود وت حین حیات پیغمبر باقی بود بلکه سور وآیات بسیار ازان ساقط کرده

“Tenth Belief: The Glorious Qur’ān is the word of Allāh. Neither has any distortion, addition or deletion been done in it till now, nor will it be done in the future. The Ithnā’ `Ashariyya from the Imāmiyya, however, say that this Qur’ān that is in the hands of the Muslims is not entirely revealed from Allāh, rather people have added some additional words in it, neither was it completely revealed on the Messenger nor did it remain in his lifetime and many of its chapters and verses have been omitted and removed.”

It is after stating this, that al-Dihlawī refutes this belief and writes:

واما مخالفت این عقیده باعترت پس در جمیع روایات امامیه موجود است که همه اهل بیت همین قرآن را میخواندند وبعام وخاص ودیگر وجوه نظم او تمسک میکرند وبطریق استشهاد می آورند وآیات اورا تفسیر میکرند وتفسیری که منسوب است بامام حسن عسکری همین قرآن راست لفظا بلفظ وصبیان وجواری وخدم واهل وعیال خود را همین قرآن تعلیم میفرمودند وبخواندن آن در نماز امر میکردند وبنا برین امور شیخ ابن بابویه در کتاب الاعتقادات خود ازین عقیده کاذبه دست بردار شده وبنا برین امور شیخ ابن بابویه در کتاب الاعتقادات خود ازین عقیده کاذبه دست بردار شده وفارغ خطى ازین جهت اگر اورا صدوق نامند بجاست

This belief opposes the mantle [`itrat] as what is found in all the narrations of the Imāmiyya is that the Ahlul Bait recited this very same Qur’ān, clinged to its general and special (meaning) and reasons behind (its) arrangement, presented it as proof and witness, and commented on these very same verses. Hence the Tafsīr attributed to Imām Ĥasan `Askarī is of this very same Qur’ān; it matches word for word with it. Other than that, they taught this very same Qur’ān to their sons, daughters, maids, servants and other family members, and ordered reading it in prayers.


It is in view of these reasons and points that Shaykh Ibn Bābawayh relinquished this false belief in his book al-I`tiqādāt and gave in a written acquittance; and as such, it is correct to call him ‘Şadūq.’

As it is obvious, al-Dihlawī openly ascribes to the view that the Ithnā’ `Asharī Shī`īs believe in the distortion of the Holy Qur’ān, and then refutes this belief by mentioning clear and undeniable facts about the Ahl al-Bayt.

The Answering-Ansar team, however, misrepresented the stance of al-Dihlawī by distorting his words and misquoting him. They quoted only the second part of the words cited above, in which al-Dihlawī refutes this belief, while removing the start in which he says “this belief opposes the mantle,” so it seems as if he is confirming that the Shī`īs do not believe in the distortion of the Holy Qur’ān.

But little did the Answering-Ansar team know that such distortion of texts and lying is bound to be exposed one day.

لِيُحِقَّ ٱلْحَقَّ وَيُبْطِلَ ٱلْبَاطِلَ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ ٱلْمُجْرِمُونَ


“So that He proves the truth to be true and the falsehood to be false, even though the sinners might dislike it.” [8:8]

“Shaykh Ibn-e-Bawia” and his “Al Aqidath”

Lastly, another fact from Answering-Ansar’s pits of knowledge should be known here. This time the Answering-Ansar team does not just show their credentials with references like “Fayl ai Lawathar,” but also show their knowledge about their own Shī`ī texts and authors.

According to the Answering-Ansar team, al-Dihlawī has stated:

Quoting Answering-Ansar:

It is due to this fact that Shaykh Ibn-e-Bawia in his book “Al Aqidath” denied that Qur’an had been altered.

The creed of Shia’a; explained, page 22

In another slightly improved version:

Quoting Answering-Ansar:

It is due to this fact that Shaykh Ibn Babuya in his book “Al Eitiqad” denied that the Qur’an had been altered.

Who believes the Quran has been a victim of Tahreef?, page 127

What should be noted here is:

  • The name of the Shī`ī scholar mentioned by al-Dihlawī is Ibn Bābawayh (d. 381), who is famously known as al-Shaykh al-Şadūq, not “Ibn-e-Bawia.”
  • Ibn Bābawayh’s famous book mentioned by al-Dihlawī is al-I`tiqādāt, not “Al Aqidath” or “Al Eitiqad.” Those acquainted with the language can easily pick the difference.
  • al-Dihlawī does not state that Ibn Bābawayh “denied that Qur’an had been altered,” but he rather states in the Persian language that the latter “relinquished this false belief” and “gave in a written acquittance.” Something that is more of a censure than a praiseful admission. In any case, it is evident that the phrase was mistranslated.

Perhaps the Answering-Ansar team should spare some time from distorting Sunnī texts and start reading more Persian Shī`ī books.

It is only Allah (swt) who gives success, and blessings and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets, his Pure Progeny and his Noble Companions

♦        ♦        ♦


Works Cited

Sunnī texts:

  1. Tuhfa-i Ithnā’ `Ashariyya (Persian)

`Abd al-`Azīz al-Dihlawī (d. 1239)

Waqf Ikhlas

Istanbul, Turkey

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