12 Reasons to Leave Shiasm
Twelve reasons to leave the Twelver Imami Shia sect – thought provoking article. [read more]
Twelve reasons to leave the Twelver Imami Shia sect – thought provoking article. [read more]
Bibliography Al-Iḥtijāj `alā Ahlul-Lujāj – Aḥmad al-Tabrasī. Al-Istibṣār – al-Ṭūsī. Usd al-Ghābah fi Ma`rifat al-Ṣaḥābah: `Izz-ul-Dīn Ibn al-Athīr – Al-Sha`b Library, Cairo. Al-Iṣābah fi Tamyīz al-Ṣaḥābah: Ibn Ḥajar al-`Asqalānī – Al-Kitāb al-`Arabī Publishing House, Beirut. Usūl Madhab al-Shī`ah: Dr. [read more]
Al Mukhtar Al Thaqafi – Avenger of Al Husain or Two-Faced Politician? Al Mukhtar Al Thaqafi has always been a controversial figure between Sunnis and Shias. His actions through the middle of the first century have caused a wave of [read more]
For those of you unable to grasp the sarcasm in the title, it is the fact that Shia keep claiming that the birth of their 12th Imam is common knowledge and popular to the point where it is Mutawatir. At [read more]
The integrity (‘Adalah) of the Sahabah often is a focal point of Sunni-Shia polemics. For centuries, Shi’ite polemicists (and others) have strawmanned and misconstrued the concept by claiming that it is a baseless dogmatic and theological byproduct of Sunni polemics. [read more]
The following is a response to SlaveOfAhlubait’s “Holy prophet asws desire to bury ayesha (authentic narration)”. The article can be found on his blog and on the Wilayat website. The article contains a narration that SlaveOfAhlubait implies is evidence that [read more]
The following is a response to SlaveOfAhlubait’s “ayesha and her narrations: an analysis”. The article can be found on his blog and on the Wilayat website. This article, by SlaveOfAhlubait, collects “contradictions” in the narrations of A’isha, in order to [read more]
The following is a response to SlaveOfAhlubait’s “Ayesha and her ability to understand quran”. The article can be found on his blog and on the Wilayat website. The narration is as follows: “ayesha says that once she asked holy prophet asws [read more]
The following is a response to SlaveOfAhlubait’s “ayesha mocking others: sahih sanad”. The article can be found on his blog and the Wilayat website. The article contains the following narration: “ayesha says that once i started mockery of a [read more]
The following is a response to SlaveOfAhlubait “Ayesha divorced before Marriage to Holy Prophet (asws) as per Imam of Ahlu Sunnah?” The article can be found on his blog and on the Wilayat website. SlaveOfAhlubait, in an attempt to discredit [read more]
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