Response to: What does Mother of Believers Really Mean?
…it is authentically narrated from `Ali bin abi Talib in Ibn abi Shaybah’s Musannaf that `A’ishah is the mother of both the believing men and women… [read more]
…it is authentically narrated from `Ali bin abi Talib in Ibn abi Shaybah’s Musannaf that `A’ishah is the mother of both the believing men and women… [read more]
The following is a response to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf.org entitled: Did the Sheikhayn Repent Before The Died? The article was published on the 30th of November, 2012, and can be found here. RTS quotes Al-Kafi, then Mir’aat Al-Uqool: Hannan [read more]
The following is a response to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf.org entitled: A’isha Punished On The Day Of Judgement? The article was published on 31st of August, 2012, and can be viewed here. RTS, in this article, starts off by quoting [read more]
The following is a response to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf.org entitled: Putting The Relation Into Relationship, that was published on the 1st of June, 2012, which can be found here. RTS, in this article quotes a verse from the Qur’an [read more]
The following is a rebuttal to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf.org, published on the 5th of February, 2012, which can be viewed here. In this article, RTS quotes narrations in which Aisha would extend her legs in front of the Messenger [read more]
The following is a rebuttal to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf.org, published on the 28th of February, 2012, which can be found here. The RTS team, in this article, decides to use the Old Testament in order to attack Aisha. As [read more]
The following is a response to the article by RevisitingtheSalaf.org published on the 19th of March, 2012 , which can be viewed here. RTS starts off in this article by making asserting the following: The foundations of the Bakri sects [read more]
This is a response to the article published by RevisitingtheSalaf.org, on the 27th of February, 2012, that can be found here. In this article, RTS tries to provide evidences that the closest companions of the Prophet (pbuh) attempted to assassinate [read more]
This is a response to the article by RevisitingTheSalaf.org entitled: The Prophet (saw) Would Indulge Himself In Romantic Pursuits While Fasting, which was published on the 29th of January, 2012, which can be read here. RTS starts off by quoting [read more]
This is a response to the article written on Slave of Ahlubait’s blog, written on March 18th 2012, which can be found here. Slave of Ahlubait (who we’ll refer to from now as SoA) on this article criticizes A’isha for [read more]
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