
Response to: Cursed Lineage

March 12, 2014 twelvershia.net 0

The following is a response to SlaveOfAhluBait’s article entitled: Cursed Lineage. The article can be found here. SoA in this article quotes several narrations that suggest that the Prophet (salalahu alaihi wa salam) dreamed that Bani Umayyah will be jumping [read more]


Response to: Biased Bukhari – 2

March 12, 2014 twelvershia.net 0

The following is a response to SlaveOfAhlubait’s article entitled: Biased Bukhari – 2, which can be found here. SoA, in this article, quotes a couple of narrations in an attempt to show that Al-Bukhari used to hide the names of [read more]


Response to: Abdullah bin Saba

March 12, 2014 twelvershia.net 0

The following is a response to Slave of Ahlubait’s article entitled: Abdullah bin Saba, which can be found here. Slave of Ahlubait, which from here on out shall be referred to as SoA, quoted a narration from Al-Kashshi’s book on [read more]


Response to: Ibn Taimiya’s Open Lie

March 4, 2014 twelvershia.net 0

ShiaPen’s published an article entitled: Ibn Taimiya’s open lie that the Hadith ‘he (Ali) is the guardian of every believer after me’ is a lie, falsely attributed to the Prophet (s)”, which can be found here. ShiaPen, in this article, [read more]