Imamah wal-Nass – 15
The extreme ignorance of al-Sadiq’s Shia continues in this new part of al-Imamah wal-Nass.
The extreme ignorance of al-Sadiq’s Shia continues in this new part of al-Imamah wal-Nass.
In this part we resume our reading and discuss some of al-Sadiq’s companions and how clueless they are about all those “Mutawatir” narrations about the 12 Imams.
Below find an audio lecture about Mutah marriage conducted by one of our authors may Allah reward him.
Answering Shias and refuting Shias has been a continuous project of ours before the existence of the twelvershia.net website. The need for a website was obvious from the start, but the dire need for one became only so much more [read more]
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم The following is a response to Ayatullah Al-Khoei’s book Al-Bayan fi Tafseer Al-Quran, namely, the two chapters entitled: “The Collection and Preservation of the Quran”. The chapters were translated onto the al-islam.org site. The World Federation of [read more]
Published by SunniDefense © on June 28th, 2009 Answering-Ansar Article: Nikah of Lady Umme Kulthum[sa] (Revision: 1.0.1) The Answering-Ansar team, in an attempt to confuse unwary Muslims and distort historical facts, has claimed that `Umar (ra) married five other women of the [read more]
Who was the bravest companion? By Abu Muhammad Ibn Hazm Introduction This is one of the issues which Shia love to raise against the personality of companions like Abu Bakr and ‘Umar. Their problem is that they think bravery is [read more]
Published by SunniDefense © on June 10th, 2009 Answering-Ansar Article: Nikah of Lady Umme Kulthum[sa] (Revision: 1.0.1) The marriage of Umm Kulthūm, the daughter of `Alī ibn Abī Ţālib (ra), with `Umar ibn al-Khaţţāb (ra) is a disputed incident between [read more]
Published by SunniDefense © on June 15th, 2009 Answering-Ansar Article: Saqifa; the debacle of Islamic Government (Revision: 1.1.0) The Answering-Ansar website and its supporters try very hard to portray the first of the Muslims as the worst of the Muslims. [read more]
Published by SunniDefense © on May 19th, 2009 The Answering-Ansar team states in their article entitled ‘Private lives of the Nasibi Salaf’: Quoting Answering-Ansar: According to Ahl’ul Sunnah Umar indulged in sodomy and Allah (swt) was forced to legitimise this [read more]
May Allah's blessings be upon the Prophet, his family and companions. © 2018 - TwelverShia.net