
Myth of the 400 Usul in the Shi’ite Tradition

November 28, 2015 0

The 400 Usūl (foundations) have continuously been claimed to be the backbone of the Twelver Shi’ite hadith corpus. Major Shi’ite traditionists, such as Al-Kulayni and Al-Saduq, allegedly based their later hadith collections on these earlier works. Shi’ite polemicists often attempt [read more]


The Reliance of Shias upon Sunni Rijal

November 18, 2015 0

The Reliance of Shias upon Sunni Rijal The following is a brief article that demonstrates that reliance of Shias upon Sunni Rijal. Please refer to our earlier articles to witness the superiority of Sunni hadith science over Shia hadith sciences. [read more]


The Truth about Fasting Ashura

October 22, 2015 4

The Truth about Fasting Ashura In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious Most Merciful… Fasting Ashura is an act of worship that predates Islam. In order to silence those that attempt to spread doubts upon the validity of this [read more]


Further refuting RTS on this

October 20, 2015 0

What we warned our readers from seems to have happened, we said that the Rafidah have a bad habit of altering their articles after they’ve been refuted and we saw that RTS did just that to their article on the [read more]