
Imamah wal-Nass – 3

March 4, 2015 0

In this part we continue reading Shia narrations and the titles of chapters from Shia books showing how grand and lofty the rank of Imamah is in Imami Shia faith.


Imamah wal-Nass – 1

March 2, 2015 0

In this part we will see many samples of the texts Imami Shia attribute to the Prophet (saw) about the name and number of Imams that will succeed him.


Audio Book: Al-Imamah wal-Nass

March 2, 2015 0

Peace be upon you all, This is an experimental project where we read a book on the subject of Imamah online instead of translating its contents in written text. The special series of lectures will revolve around the book “al-Imamah wal-Nass” [read more]


Abdullah ibn Saba: The Book

September 18, 2014 4

Abdullah Ibn Saba : The Man, His Teachings, and His Influence on the Modern Twelver Shi’ee Faith Introduction The controversy that is the life, the existence, and the effects of Abdullah ibn Saba upon the early years of Islam has [read more]