
‘Ashura: Lies and Fabrications

September 5, 2015 5

‘Ashura: Lies and Fabrications This work is a summary of a series of lectures conducted by Ayatollah Murtadha al-Mutahhari during ‘Ashura in Iran in 1969. In these lectures Mutahhari discusses the many fabrications regarding the martyrdom of al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali [read more]


2 – Asad Ĥaydar a Sunnī Scholar?

August 14, 2015 0

Published by SunniDefense © on May 24th, 2009 The Answering-Ansar team states in ‘The creed of Shia’a; explained’: Quoting Answering-Ansar: Sunni scholar Allamah Sayyid Asad Haydher writing on the Shi’a aqeedah on the Sahaba states: “The Shi’a of the Ahl’ul [read more]