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Sunni – Shia Debate Full Video

June 18, 2017 twelvershia.net 0

This debate allowed both a Sunni and Shia representative to espouse their own case for their respective theologies. The debate covered topics like Sahaba, Quran and Imamah. The debate took place between Mohammed Hijab and Ali al-Shobayri (aka Ali Hosseini) [read more]


Adult Breastfeeding in Islam

May 27, 2017 twelvershia.net 2

Background We have previously covered in another article that there is much doubt regarding whether A’isha permitted the suckling of adults. However, the stubbornness of some has led us to writing a follow-up article that explains an aspect that is [read more]


Hijr Ismail and Shia Allegations

April 9, 2017 twelvershia.net 1

Bismillah Wa Salaatu Wa Salaam A’laa Rasul’lillah, Am’aa B’aad… Allah says: “And among men is he who disputes about Allah, without knowledge or guidance, or a Book giving light (from Allah)” (Al-Hajj: 8) “ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير [read more]


Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) demotion!

March 8, 2017 twelvershia.net 9

Peace be upon our readers, in this short article we will show that Prophet Ibrahim (as) was demoted as opposed to be promoted according to Shia beliefs. This article centers around the following verse: {And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham [read more]