Imamah wal-Nass – 3
In this part we continue reading Shia narrations and the titles of chapters from Shia books showing how grand and lofty the rank of Imamah is in Imami Shia faith.
In this part we continue reading Shia narrations and the titles of chapters from Shia books showing how grand and lofty the rank of Imamah is in Imami Shia faith.
In this part we will see the importance and significance of Imamah according to the Shia sect.
In this part we will see many samples of the texts Imami Shia attribute to the Prophet (saw) about the name and number of Imams that will succeed him.
Peace be upon you all, This is an experimental project where we read a book on the subject of Imamah online instead of translating its contents in written text. The special series of lectures will revolve around the book “al-Imamah wal-Nass” [read more]
Why did `Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) wish to cut the tongue of his son `Ubaydullah? The Imami Rafidah claim that `Ali and his four or five companions were always oppressed and humiliated by the Caliphs, those who claim this couldn’t [read more]
Unlike the previous articles that focused on everything Ahl Al-Sunnah, this article focuses on mutah from a Shia perspective. Even though Shias continuously point out the “contradictions” in the time of the prohibition of mutah, as found in Sunni books [read more]
The Ithna `Ashari branch of the Imami sect of Shia claims that Mut’ah is permitted and that only the enemies of Ahlul-Bayt prohibit it. They also claim that the Imams of Ahlul-Bayt allowed this type of temporary marriage. However, the [read more]
After establishing in the original article that it is forbidden to practice mutah and that the prohibition was related by several companions, we will move on to studying the opinions of other companions, for our opponents argue that a large [read more]
Click to see list of all articles from the Ghaybah series Peace be upon our nation and prophet. In this article we will be discussing the Shia mythology (aka Hidden Imam), more specifically an event that shook Shiite society and sent them [read more]
In the original mutah article, we have provided several narrations that prove that mutah was prohibited by the Prophet – peace be upon him – during his time. However, there were claims made by some of the Prophet’s – peace [read more]
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