
Imamah wal-Nass – 12

May 10, 2015 0

In this part we continue looking at the ignorance of the companions and family of al-Baqir about the name and number of Imams and why this cannot be acceptable.


Issues of Ghaybah

May 10, 2015 0

This is a series of articles where we critique the Twelver Imami Shiite belief in the occultation of their 12th Imam. Part-1: The hidden Imam and the need of an apparent Imam Part-2: Imamah and the Iranian regime Part-3: Believers [read more]


Other Companions

May 6, 2015 0

This section contains everything and anything revolving around other companions of the Prophet – peace be upon him – that haven’t been covered in other sections.   IBN OMAR: Response to: Taqayya of Ibn Umar Response to: Ibn Umar Buying [read more]