
Further refuting RTS on this

October 20, 2015 twelvershia.net 0

What we warned our readers from seems to have happened, we said that the Rafidah have a bad habit of altering their articles after they’ve been refuted and we saw that RTS did just that to their article on the [read more]


Sunni Shia Calm Dialogue

October 18, 2015 twelvershia.net 0

Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem, The following is an e-book by Dr. Abdulrahman Dimashqiah, the renowned Sunni apologist. The book provides a dissection of many of the differences between the Sunni and Shia sects.   The author, may Allah preserve him, writes [read more]


Imamah wal-Nass – 14

October 10, 2015 twelvershia.net 0

In this part we resume our reading and discuss some of al-Sadiq’s companions and how clueless they are about all those “Mutawatir” narrations about the 12 Imams.  


Answering Shias / Refuting Shias

October 5, 2015 twelvershia.net 4

Answering Shias and refuting Shias has been a continuous project of ours before the existence of the twelvershia.net website. The need for a website was obvious from the start, but the dire need for one became only so much more [read more]