
The Reliance of Shias upon Sunni Rijal

November 18, 2015 0

The Reliance of Shias upon Sunni Rijal The following is a brief article that demonstrates that reliance of Shias upon Sunni Rijal. Please refer to our earlier articles to witness the superiority of Sunni hadith science over Shia hadith sciences. [read more]


A Criticism Against: Mi’raj, the Night Ascension

November 10, 2015 0

This article, entitled: “Mi’raj, the Night Ascension”, originally a section from Al-Faidh Al-Kashani’s “Nawadir Al-Akhbar”, was translated by Saleem Bhimji, the Director at the Islamic Publishing House. The article can be found on Like everything Shiasm, all revolves around [read more]