`Ali the best of judges
Peace be upon you and Glorified Be Allah, He is The Best Of Judges. In this article we shall tackle a narration often quoted by Shia to prove that `Ali was the legitimate leader and all the rest were usurpers. [read more]
Peace be upon you and Glorified Be Allah, He is The Best Of Judges. In this article we shall tackle a narration often quoted by Shia to prove that `Ali was the legitimate leader and all the rest were usurpers. [read more]
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem The narration: “Woe onto Ammar, he will be killed by the transgressive group,” is a narration that has been graded as Mutawatir by the people of knowledge. However, there is a statement that has caused confusion to [read more]
This article emits light on the view of Ibn Taymiyyah on Ahlulbayt The article will be split into six sections: His statements in praise of Ali, Fatima, Ha.. [read more]
In this article we will be covering the early Shia book of Tafseer known as “Tafseer Furat” written by one of their scholars who lived in the time of the minor occultation. His name is Furat bin Ibrahim al-Kufi and [read more]
In this topic we will discuss the crime of the authors of Nahj-ul-Balaghah, al-Sharif al-Radi and his brother al-Murtada. In the Nahj we have many sermons and sayings attributed `Ali ibn abi Talib, most of these are fabricated according to the [read more]
The following is a short criticism to the lengthy: Tradition of Mufaddal, which can be found on the al-islam.org website here. The publisher describes the piece as follows: This text is the English translation of the Tradition of Mufaddal, [read more]
Download this article in PDF Ta’amulaat fee Kitaab Nahjul Balagha (Contemplations on the Peak of Eloquence) Written by Muhammad Saadiq (may Allah reward him) Translation: Hani ‘al-Taraabulsee’ (May Allah forgive him) Praise be to God only and may [read more]
The Twelver Shia don’t really have much to offer when it comes to Qur’anic sciences whether Tafseer, I`raab, Lughaat, Naskh, Qira’at etc… Those who read about the early Twelver Shia authors will see that they never paid much attention to the [read more]
The 400 Usūl (foundations) have continuously been claimed to be the backbone of the Twelver Shi’ite hadith corpus. Major Shi’ite traditionists, such as Al-Kulayni and Al-Saduq, allegedly based their later hadith collections on these earlier works. Shi’ite polemicists often attempt [read more]
Arbaeen: Number of Visitors The following article about the Arbaeen was originally written in Arabic by Ahmad Al-Hasani, but was translated for twelvershia.net. Even though our website does not often deal with such topics, however, we have made an exception [read more]
May Allah's blessings be upon the Prophet, his family and companions. © 2018 - TwelverShia.net