
Al-Qadi Sa`id al-Qummi and Tahreef

April 4, 2016 0

The belief in Tahreef is something the Shia scholars inherit. The same way Jaza’iri inherited it from Majlisi, or Kulayni inherited it from `Ali bin Ibrahim, today we will see how al-Qadi Sa`id al-Qummi inherited it from his teacher al-Fayd [read more]


The Throne of Allah in Shia Hadiths

March 24, 2016 2

The Throne of Allah in Shia Hadiths The following is a compilation of authentic Shia narrations that give us some insight into the nature of the throne. We often hear Shi’ee criticism towards Ahlul Sunnah for being “literalists”. The modern [read more]