
Is Our Website’s Name Deceptive?

April 18, 2016 twelvershia.net 2

After the realization by Shias that they do not have the academic prowess to challenge our website, they have attempted to discredit the website and push their brethren away from authentic knowledge by posing the emotional appeals like: “These Nasibis [read more]


Mirza abu al-Qasim al-Qummi & Tahreef

April 14, 2016 twelvershia.net 0

Mirza abu al-Qasim bin Muhammad Hasan al-Qummi (d.1231 AH) in his book al-Qawanin al-Muhkamah fil-Usoul vol.2 discusses the Qur’an and its preservation. The text is advanced and the author’s weak Arabic requires us to explain some of the texts we’re [read more]


Al-Qadi Sa`id al-Qummi and Tahreef

April 4, 2016 twelvershia.net 0

The belief in Tahreef is something the Shia scholars inherit. The same way Jaza’iri inherited it from Majlisi, or Kulayni inherited it from `Ali bin Ibrahim, today we will see how al-Qadi Sa`id al-Qummi inherited it from his teacher al-Fayd [read more]