

August 5, 2016 twelvershia.net 0

Bibliography   Al-Iḥtijāj `alā Ahlul-Lujāj – Aḥmad al-Tabrasī. Al-Istibṣār – al-Ṭūsī. Usd al-Ghābah fi Ma`rifat al-Ṣaḥābah: `Izz-ul-Dīn Ibn al-Athīr – Al-Sha`b Library, Cairo. Al-Iṣābah fi Tamyīz al-Ṣaḥābah: Ibn Ḥajar al-`Asqalānī – Al-Kitāb al-`Arabī Publishing House, Beirut. Usūl Madhab al-Shī`ah: Dr. [read more]


Muawiyah and Talbiya at Arafa

July 24, 2016 twelvershia.net 4

Muawiyah and Talbiya at Arafa The following is a response to Shiapen and Slave of Ahlubait’s accusation (which can be found on his blog and Wilayat.net) against Mu’awiyah of abandoning the Sunnah. The narration used to suggest this is the [read more]


Response to: To be with the Truthful

July 14, 2016 twelvershia.net 0

Response to: To be with the Truthful by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs Translated by Hānī Salḥab Al-Ṭarābulsī *Note: The original page referencing provided by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs was kept. Though, we have added the titles of the chapters in English from [read more]


Al-Hurr al-`Amili and Tahreef

July 8, 2016 twelvershia.net 0

The heavyweight of the Shia, their leader and the author of one of their eight main Hadith books, al-Hurr al-`Amili is no doubt from the top Shia scholars of Hadith and has earned the utmost respect by the followers of [read more]


Al-Kulayni and Tahreef

June 23, 2016 twelvershia.net 1

Muhammad bin Ya`qub al-Kulayni is disputably the top Twelver Shia Hadith scholar to ever walk the earth. They trust him and honor him to no end, even going as far as bestowing upon him the title of “Thiqat-ul-Islam”. Al-Kulayni is the [read more]