12 – Misquoting al-Najībābādī to Defame Mu`āwiya (ra)



Published by SunniDefense © on August 5th, 2009 in Misquotations

Answering-Ansar Article:

Our 20 questions… (Revision: 1.0.1)

The Shī`a are known to misinterpret, misquote and distort texts in order to defame Mu`āwiya (ra), the Companion of the Prophet (saws). Answering-Ansar has also marked its effort in this regard by brazenly lying about Tārīkh-i Islām of Akbar Shāh al-Najībābādī (d. 1357).

They write:

Quoting Answering-Ansar:
17. If failing to believe in Hadhrath Ayesha is an act of Kufr what opinion should we hold with regards to her killer?
Hadhrath Ayesha was killed by Mu’awiya (Tarikh al Islam, by Najeeb Abadi, Vol 2 p 44)
Our 20 questions…, page 5

The claim and the text referenced are obvious to the readers.

By posing this question, the Answering-Ansar team is suggesting that the Companion Mu`āwiya (ra) should be condemned because he murdered the Mother of the Believers, `Ā’isha bint Abī Bakr (ra), and this is proven from al-Najībābādī’s Tārīkh-i Islām. It is also worthy to note that the exact page and volume is mentioned as well, implying that the reference is verified.

Now, let us see what al-Najībābādī has really written:

The Real Words of al-Najībābādī

What al-Najībābādī has actually written about the death of `Ā’isha (ra) is:

سنہ ٥٨ھ میں حضرت ام المومنین حضرت عائشہ صدیقہ رضی ﷲ عنہا فوت ہو کر البقیع میں مدفون ہوئیں آپ مروان کی مخالفت کیا کرتی تہیں کیونکہ اس کے اعمال اچھے نہ تھے مروان نے ایک روز دھوکے سے دعوت کے بہانے سے بلا کر ایک گڑھے میں جس میں ننگی تلواریں اور خنجر وغیرہ رکھ دیۓ تھے آپ کو گرا دیا تھا آپ بہت ضعیف اور بوڑہی تھیں زخمی ہوئیں اور انہیں زخموں کے صدمہ سے فوت ہو گئیں

“In 58 A.H., the respected Mother of the Believers `Ā’isha Şiddīqa (ra) passed away, and was buried in al-Baqī`. She used to oppose Marwān because his actions were not good. One day, Marwān deceitfully invited her for dinner as a pretense and threw her in a cavity, in which he had placed bare swords and daggers. She was very elderly and weak, became wounded and passed away due to the concussion caused by the wounds.”

Subĥān Allāh.

The quote above is crystal-clear.

There is absolutely no mention of Mu`āwiya (ra) in what al-Najībābādī relates about the demise of `Ā’isha (ra). Instead, he relates—without any proof—that it was Marwān ibn al-Ĥakam, someone not even regarded as a Companion of the Prophet (saws) by the Sunnīs, who allegedly murdered her.

Answering-Ansar’s lie is evident and requires no explanation.

May Allāh (swt) protect all unbiased Muslims from such deception.

It is only Allah (swt) who gives success, and blessings and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets, his Pure Progeny and his Noble Companions

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Works Cited

Sunnī texts:

  1. Tārīkh-i Islām (Urdu)

Akbar Shāh al-Najībābādī (d. 1357)

Islami Academy

Lahore, Pakistan

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