Shia Kalima & Adhan
Shia Kalima as a Declaration of Faith In this article, we will be discussing the Shia Kalima. As all Muslims know, the known and popular Kalima among Muslims is “I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, And [read more]
Shia Kalima as a Declaration of Faith In this article, we will be discussing the Shia Kalima. As all Muslims know, the known and popular Kalima among Muslims is “I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, And [read more]
A friendly discussion between Iranian brother Hassan Shemrani (Sunni convert from Shi’ism) and an Iraqi Shia debater in Hyde Park Speakers’ Corner, London, UK.
Topics covered: – Al-Tablīgh verse and The event of Ghadir Khumm [read more]
One of the most common questions that Sunnis are faced with by Twelver Shias is the question of the tawba (repentance) of the Companions of the Prophet – peace be upon him – . Since Sunnis accept that the Companions [read more]
May Allah's blessings be upon the Prophet, his family and companions. © 2018 - TwelverShia.net