
Response to: The Queer Sahaba

May 5, 2013 0

Response to: The Queer Sahaba The following is a response to the article on entitled: The Queer Sahaba, which was published on the 5th of April, 2012, and can be found here. Short Introduction and ruling of “Mukhannatheen”: Mukhannath [read more]


Ayat al Tatheer : An Isolated Verse or Not?

May 3, 2013 6

Ayat al Tatheer : A Separate Verse or a Part of a Verse? بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله نحمده و نستعينه و نستغفره و نسأله الهداية و حسن الخاتمة ربي اشرح لي صدري و يسر لي أمري واحلل عقدة [read more]